Millions tyres from OPONEO

travel around the world

OPONEO’s modern logistics centre allows to send daily

even up 45.000 tyres to individual customers

OPONEO operates on own solution

in the area of IT department

Company info

OPONEO.PL S.A. was established in 1999. T1. For years, the company has been a leader in online sales of tyres and rims on the Polish market.

The company has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since August 2007.

The main portal is also the brand name of the company.

OPONEO.PL S.A. runs a portal which contains Europe's largest database of opinions and expert advice related to quality, condition and degree of car tyre wear. 4. Maintaining the website enabled the company to establish contacts with the most important and the largest Polish companies that operate in the automotive industry and to strengthen it's position as a reliable source of information and a key trade partner.

OPONEO.PL S.A. also owns the online shop – The website address is well-recognized by internet users and it is a guarantee of efficient customer service and the highest quality products.

In 2010 the company has acquired all rights to the domain name and service -

Beside above mentioned portals the company is owner of a company Dadelo S.A. runs an online shop -

In 2009, OPONEO.PL S.A. launched first foreign e-shops with tyres. Currently the company owns on-line stores: for German customers, for Spanish customers, for French customers, for Italian customers, for Austrian customers, for British customers, for Dutch customers, for Irish customers, and for Czech customers, for Slovak customers, for Belgians customer. Increasing its European market share is OPONEO’s most important business objective.

The company has its own IT system – the OPONEO Control Centre. The software is meant for handling logistics, orders, complaints, interventions, purchases.

The company has a modern logistic centre which allows to send daily even up 75.000 tyres to individual customers. The warehouse of OPONEO.PL S.A. occupies 72.000 sqm.


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